I’m not sure if it’s just because I’m getting older, but I find myself increasingly grappling with the notion of iron-on branding to the individual, particularly within creative spaces, when the labels I feel like wearing are starting to appear like a messier kind of patchwork.
“Hi, I’m Kori, and I am a filmmaker”
As much as I have used something along those lines when introducing myself, the years have seen that wording shift to match the patchwork of identity - not just my identity, but all of what makes us who we are; contradiction, incongruity, eclecticism, other synonyms for those words.
Of course, I am far and away the first person to ever slide into the existential abyss and wonder who the fuck am I and what exactly in the holy fuck am I doing? Last year, Pixar released a film about confronting how we grasp onto labels really tightly and make that the entire core of who we are to a fault. They used computer-generated imagery to make the protagonist, and the audience, grapple with the projection of our carefully curated identities. They also did that during a fucking pandemic. Assholes. But also, I love you, Pixar. Never stop.
The truth is, I haven’t been doing a hell of a lot of directing since wrapping up on my last short film, Residue. I’ve done some writing. I’ve had them knocked back when asking for funding. I’ve dabbled in photography. I’ve read a lot. I’ve listened a lot more. I’ve started lifting. I’ve joined a podcast. I’ve procrastinated. I’ve been heartbroken. I’ve been grieving. I’ve been healing. But I haven’t done a hell of a lot of directing. “Hi, I’m Kori, I sometimes feel like a bit of a mess and I get distracted with a lot of different things. I also would like to continue making films” feels a little more appropriate. Perhaps a bit much for a first introduction? Look, I’ll work on the wording.
Okay. I’m getting a little sidetracked. Because this is a kind of unnecessarily long and convoluted way of saying I’ve changed this website’s primary domain from what it was for a long time. I’ve also changed the email to match. To those who have allowed me to occupy a small portion of their mental bandwidth, you might know that the “brand” of this website to be the krmfilmmaker.com domain. As of today, that’s been simplified right back to simply be www.korireaymackey.com, the email is kori@korireaymackey.com
Nothing fancy. Just my name. The logo and some of the other page titling may be altered or they may stay the same. Cinema, television, filmmaking, video games, stories consumed through screens and speakers occupy so much of my own mental bandwidth that an entire website overhaul feels unnecessary, but I hope in some small way this can allow this too-frequently-ignored space to open up a little more. The previous domain will redirect to here though for a while longer.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading. Hell, thank you for even opening this page. That’s so kind of you to do so when you could be, like, streaming an entire season of something. I’ll let you get back to that if you were.
See you next time,