Hello, friends. "Hello, friends"? That sounds stupid.
"What am I going to write about this week?" - This week on Mr. Robot, Elliot fumbles his way through the most dangerous internet playground of all - the Blogosphere.
A number of you may not even know me and might be thinking "What perspective could this young wannabe filmmaker possibly have on the world that warrants my valuable time?". The answer to that? I don't really know. No, really, I have no idea. Let's find out together. I think possibly the biggest challenge in starting a blog is the knowledge that, frankly, no one is probably going to give two shits. You'll probably be pumping out blog posts a few times a week under the impression that you're nailing the ever formidable world of social media in a sea of narcissism and self-promotion only to find that your real "reach" is laughable in the face of those already much more well known, better connected and just straight up more experienced and skilled than you are. So why do this?
Filmmaking, more specifically directing, is all from your perspective, that point-of-view that is only truly your own. Yes, it's incredibly collaborative and that's honestly the most exciting part of the entire process, but to write and direct a story is about your own POV on that narrative, the ideas at play, and what is that you want to say. To create is to communicate what it is that makes you, you. Does that reek of pretension? The answer is likely "absolutely", but the argument must be made; it takes a singular point of view to funnel all of those ideas and collaborative efforts to form a cohesive whole. Blogging, to use that somewhat looked down upon term, is just another extension of that. I don't exactly have a clear "plan" on what this blog will aim to accomplish other than to provide an opportunity to put forward my voice, my perspective, and to hopefully engage in discussion with those interested and open enough to do so in a public forum.
There's no end goal in mind here other than to create and discuss ideas. I'll write as much as possible about cinema and storytelling and absolutely aim to prevent this from just being another platform to shamelessly plug my own work and "brand", whatever that is. This post right here was literally just my mind spewing onto the keyboard. No real plan, no structure, just writing.
So I hope you enjoy your stay here. Feel free to look around and follow me on all of the other usual social media outlets. My name is Kori and I want to make movies. Let's talk.